Log in to Aqua Lung Training (US)
Is this your first time here?
If you are new to this site you'll need to take a minute to create a new account for yourself on this web site. Here are the steps:
- Fill out the New Account form with your details.
- Our administrators will be notified of your registration. They will review your account and either confirm or ask you for any other clarification.
- You will get an email when your account is confirmed.
- Click on the link in the email and login using the username and password you set during registration.
- To select a course, click on "Course catalog" in top navigation. We offer single courses as well as course packages that offer significant savings over single course pricing. Choose your course/s and then click "ADD TO CART".
- To finish enrolling in a course you are required to pay a tuition fee. Click on the Shopping Cart at the top right side of the page, then follow the steps to checkout. Tuition can be paid using a major credit card or by using a PayPal account. PayPal is the easiest payment method. With PayPal you will only need the email account that is associated with your account to enroll in a course.
- You can now access the full course. From now on you will only need to enter your personal username and password (in the form on this page) to log in and access any course you have enrolled in.
- If you purchased a course package, after payment you will go back to the Course Catalog and you can choose any of the courses by adding them to shopping cart. After choosing, look at the shopping cart at the top of the screen and you will see the following: x-item(s) - $0.00 showing no charge. Click on the shopping cart and finish the transaction.
If you need further technical assistance please email: support@aqualung.com